Persuasive and Informative speech topics about legal issues, laws, legislation.
In this article:
- Should it be legal for people to own exotic pets such as tigers or chimps?
- Is the fast food industry legally accountable for obesity?
- Should the U.S. government add an extra tax for fatty snacks and junk food?
- Should it be legal to smoke in parks and other similar outdoor locations?
- Would you support English being the official language of the USA?
- Do you think abortions should be legal?
- Should the government declare gambling and sports betting illegal?
- Do you believe the government should recognize same-sex marriage?
- Do you believe that not wearing a seatbelt should be illegal?
- Would it be better if the voting age was lowered to thirteen?
- Should minors who commit serious crimes be charged as adults?
- Should people who play music too loud face fines?
- Bullying should be taken seriously and be illegal.
- Should people who fail to recycle be obliged to pay a fine?
- Do you believe medicinal marijuana should be legalized?
- The age to be eligible for Social Security benefits should not exceed 62.
- Should abortions be considered illegal?
- Do you think immigration laws need to be revised?
- Why smoking should be illegal in public places.
- Why the U.S. should have mandatory military service.
- Drunk driving laws don’t seem to be working.
- Should homosexuals have marriage rights?
- Should a hunting license be necessary?
- Why we should have capital punishment.
- Child labor should be banned.
- Assisted suicide should be legal.
- Why we should legalize drugs.
- Lower the drinking age.
- Drinking and driving needs tougher laws.
- Gay marriage should be protected.
- Malicious computer criminals should face life imprisonment.
- Spam and disruptive commercial messages should be outlawed.
- Federal laws should change to intercept text messages used to rally enemies.
- Bars should be closed on Sundays.
- Capital punishment should be mandatory for all life crimes.
- No right to vote for convicted felons.
- Current child custody laws cause further harm to already broken families.
- Fifteen years should be the new legal drinking age.
- Front passenger seats are not meant for children.
- Government should have the authority to decide who can have children.
- Heavier fines should be issued to bikers caught not wearing safety helmets.
- Impose sanctions on countries that do not prohibit child labor.
- Juvenile delinquents should be sentenced to bootcamp.
- Mothers have the right to breastfeed where ever they need to.
- No amnesty for illegal immigrants.
- Our constitution should protect hate speech.
- Plea bargaining weakens the position of a defendant.
- Police should always be held accountable for roughing-up nonviolent activists.
- Police should further investigate all complaints of domestic violence.
- Prisoners should be put to work in community services.
- The CIA’s ‘torture flights’ really did exist and are a shame to our nation.
- The Bill of Rights should be updated and refurbished.
- The criminal justice system has too many shortcomings.
- The FBI should get court permission before monitoring e-mail traffic.
- The fear of making capital punishment mistakes conflicts with justice.
- The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not universal at all.
- Tighten paparazzi regulations to protect celebrities.
- Trial by a citizen jury is not objective.
- We should not elect our local judges.
- Welfare mothers should be treated as working mothers.
- Legalizing the sale of human organs will reduce the lack of organ donors.
- Opt-out system increases organ donations.
- How laws are made.
- How volunteer attorneys help low-income clients access the civil justice system.
- Responding to campus massacres according to law.
- The importance of international courts.
- The purpose of espionage sedition acts.
- What forms of evidence are allowed in criminal investigations?
- Wire-tapping needs permission.
Why police officers should not use high intense violence to enforce protesters